In order to form this federation, 03 projects in Puttalam district were federated together. There are 30 staff members attached to VOICE together with the Federation Manager, Finance Officer, and Field Officers as the key staff representatives. The organization is totally governed by a Board of Directors elected from the parents of enrolled children. Governance and management of programs are performed by committees formed at different administrative levels from the BOD to individual beneficiaries.
The VOICE federation is a combination of three Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) located in 4 Divisional Secretariat Divisions (DSDs), namely Dasuna Child Development program (Anamaduwa & Pallama), and Sewana & Sewana Korea Child Development programs (Karuwalagaswewa) of the Puttalam District. These CBOs, altogether represented more than 1750 families in selected DSD and till 2000 it operated as individual entities. In 2007 Parent’s committees of these CBOs decided to build a central organization that will be committed in building a safer & secured environment for more children in the area through sharing its individual resources in-hand. In 2010 VOICE Area Federation (VAF) extended its coverage up to 3500 families including some families from Mundel DSDs. Leading community members of these CBOs were executed as directors of the organization and had played a steering role in governing VOICE Area Federation.
The staff at the VOICE Area Federation, who were recruited by Board of Directors, designs & implements projects which focused life stage development of the children, from the age of 0 to 5, 6-14 and 15-24 year. “Participatory approach” is the key principle of VOICE Area Federation, hence community as well as children consultation play influential roles in project development cycle. VOICE through its sponsorship program has gone on to work for over 3500 enrolled children & more than 2000 non enrolled children in the area. The community structure of the VOICE Federation starts from parents of the enrolled children at the Grass Root level. These individuals have formed themselves in to small groups. There are 217 such small groups in the BF area at present. The leaders of small groups in each community have come together and formed a Zonal Committee. At present 08 Zonal committees are in operation in 08 communities. On the top of this community structure of the federation is the Board of Directors comprising of representatives from each Zonal committee. Only the parents of enrolled children are eligible to get the membership of this community structure.
The leaders and the representatives for small groups, Zonal committees and BOD are elected through the community members attached to this on annual basis. Most of the leaders at each level are less educated, and lacks leadership qualities and management skills. Some have never been leaders in the past. On the other hand, these leaders are entrusted with many responsibilities. BOD is totally responsible for the governance, transparency and accountability of the total operations of the organization.