The project ‘Youth empowerment project’ is for youths in the aged 15-24 years in the VOICE working area are prepared to engage in safe & productive employment and engaged with confidence. Beneficiaries of this project are 519 youth in 15-24 year range and their families.


  • Inappropriate employment opportunities.
  • Employable skills of the youth and job market are not matched.
  • Incompetent youth due to poor access to mobility.
  • Inadequate Resources.


The current project is aim to support the youth for their Attitude developments, guidance to select/established career goals, knowledge building on current job market and vocational trainings and biasness awareness.

1. career visioning of youths.

Conducted youth vision camp. Which covered different aspects of the developments need for impact group. Attitude developments, guidance to select/established career goals, knowledge building on current job market and vocational trainings, carrier test, personal assessment (SWOT analysis) & start their business awareness session.

2. Given opportunities for youth to developed vocational skills

Data Base on vacancies and training opportunities such as on the job training opportunities, vocational training & other private courses opportunities given to the youth. By developing attitude of the parents, youth Referred for on the job training under NAITA, supported for 12 youth for financial (course fee, traveling, hostel fees, material support etc.) support for on the job training and able to connect with youth for vocational training courses. Refer youth for vocational training courses conducted by government (VTA) and other private training institutes also.

3. Provided training on starting Business for youth

Conducted training on “Generate your business(GYB) & start your business(SYB)” – training for selected youth who are willing to start self-employments or expand their existing business. Conducted marketing skills development training for self-employed youth to develop skills on communication, mini market research, pricing, packaging, quality maintaining and product promotions . Financial support given to youth to start home base income generation business for youths who completed GYB & SYB taring

4. Formed community forums

Youth forums are formed in the community. The members of the forum Formed Tamil Cultural Dancing group and conduct Inter youth clubs sport event. VOICE has Supported youth groups to organized and conduct cultural and recreational activities to exhibit their talents and also to create awareness on related issues and pass massages through drama, cultural shows, sports activities or special day celebrations. And youth exchange program – North – South (Putlam -Jaffna) exchange visits to share different experiences and understanding on issues and lives of youths living in different parts of country and get to know about how they faced challenges.

5. Formed Emergency response teams & implemented disaster risk reduction project in the most vulnerable villages with youth involvement.

Awareness programme conducted for the emergency response team and parents on Disaster Risk Management, Climate Change Adaptation, Land Use Planning and Environment and develop hazard maps and identification of risk in the community. Training provided for youth on Emergency Response, Child Centered Spaces, First Aid in Emergency Situations and confident building and lifesaving and Establishment of village level emergency early warning systems and communication mechanism and practice simulation.

6. Youth Leadership

Conducted awareness workshops on leadership and competence build up (youth camp/leadership camp).

7. Youth education on Sexual Reproductive Health

The knowledge and awareness on Sexual Reproductive Health given to youth. By the awareness programme youth gained the knowledge on Appropriate reproductive health knowledge, belief and will power of women and men to access quality family planning services (preventive and curative) are essential for improvement in reproductive health youth.