Community Based Health Promotion Program- CBHPP

by | Nov 5, 2018 | 1 comment

VOICE Area Federation had expanded to 23 GN divisions in Karuwalagaswewa DSD in that intervention VAF had identified that there is a high tendency of health-related issues which impact on health as well as well been of the children in community level. Among those issues such as underweight childbirth, Teenage pregnancies, communicable and Non- communicable diseases, injuries on children, unprotected home environment, single-parent families, lack of knowledge on health and nutrition, disable children and early childhood stimulation related issues could be recognized in Karuwalagaswewa DSD. Most of the vulnerable age group which effects on these issues stand under the age of 0-5 year age category. These issues are mainly effects on the psychosocial development of the community and that situation leads to most of the social and health issues in the community. Lead Mothers are the group of mothers and caregivers, on average 10-15 per group, who come together to observe, learn, reflect and act on age-appropriate growth and development of infants and young children including health, nutrition, early childhood development issues in the local community targeting children under 5 years under Community Based Health Promotion approach (CBHP). The key role of lead mothers is acting as change agents and mentors for mothers and caregivers, to uplift nutrition, health and age-appropriate development of children, through improving knowledge, awareness and practices of parents and caregivers. Lead mother program engages mothers who have children aged 0-5 years as their priority group, however, open for mothers with young children beyond 5 years without any restrictions. Purpose of the lead mother program is to educate and empower mothers and caregivers to support positive behavioural changes that ultimately lead to positive growth and development outcomes of young children, as well as the entire family. Although government stakeholders working on those issues there is a lacuna of developing a community-based approach to settle down above mentions issues. However VOICE Area federation is using the system of human-based methodology for problem-solving in their working community. If VOICE Area Federation or Government sectors involve as independently or individually are not a success. But these VOICE Area Federation is working with Rajarata University and Northwestern University as partners. These universities sharing their health and nutrition-related knowledge, modules and they were doing researches and practices as educational purpose. However, we create a good relationship with the government sectors and community level. Now CBHPP program could be applicable as successes process in Karuwalagaswawa division.

BCC Program Regular capacity improvement BCC programs for parents and caregivers to adopt baby rooms, playhouses, play areas, community play areas, prevention of domestic violence, activities to improve adequate psychosocial stimulations by parents, actively spending leisure time with children, maintaining ECCD books, maintaining happy calendar, creating toys with children, storytelling activities, children group activities by mother’s groups. Bcc Program to improve creativity and innovation of children such as creation board and creation desk will be introduced during awareness programs. Properly marking and analyze development stages in CHDR, ECCD measuring books and presenting the progress of them in mother’s groups also will be encouraged through the awareness programs. Follow up and scale up activities will be done with community symposiums.

PD Hearth program PD/Hearth is a community-based rehabilitation and behaviour change intervention for families with underweight preschool children. The ‘positive deviance’ approach is used to identify behaviours practised by the mothers or caretakers of well-nourished children from poor families and to transfer such positive practices to others in the community with malnourished children. The ‘Hearth’ or home is the location for the nutrition education and rehabilitation sessions. PD/Hearth should be implemented in any Karuwalagaswewa, Anamaduwa, Pallama where at least 30% of children under 5 are underweight (low weight for age). The Measuring and Promoting Child Growth tool explain how to accurately weigh children. In addition, PD/Hearth is only feasible in areas that are food secure and where homes are in close proximity to one another.