VOICE increase children’s access to quality basic education and promote a better learning environment. And also particularly focus on creating access to non-school going children as well as those who have dropped of school. We work to ensure that children stay in school by promoting child-centered school systems where children are actively involved in school management and development activities. A key factor in our education sector is to promote inclusive education. VOICE improves access to the quality basic education in 42 schools reaching around 10000 grade 1-11 students in Puttlam and Polonnaruwa District with the collaborative support of Ministry of Education, National Institute of Education, National Youth Services Council, Provincial Ministry of education, Provincial Department of education and zonal Education Puttalam.

Education performance enhancement of poor performing children through the following outcomes

  • Child-centered & inclusive teaching methods are adopted by the teachers in primary schools.
  • Parents and caregivers actively engage and support teachers in practicing child-centered & inclusive teaching in classrooms.
  • Teachers adopt national & provincial standard methods to address issues of poor-performing children in secondary grades.
  • Community volunteers/peers support for children with poor educational performance.
  • School dropout children engage in alternative / catch up education programs.