Improving Child- Centered Education through Active Teaching Learning Approaches in Schools (ATLAS) – INCLUSIVE EDUCATION

This project aimed to improve the quality of teaching and learning in 70 primary schools reaching around 3500 grade 1-5 students in the Puttlam Education division in Sri Lanka through training of 20 education instructors and cascading the training up to 204 teachers. The project aligned with the Sri Lanka Government’s current plan for primary education revision to increase play and activity-based education and decrease desk work. The project assisted the curriculum revision in 2016-2020 of the government by developing training materials for teachers and provincial level trainers according to the new changes of the curriculum.

Improved teaching and learning will be achieved through:

  • Introduced the Active Teaching and Learning Approaches in Schools (ATLAS) model in 34 primary schools and build the capacity of 10 provincial primary education professionals and primary school teachers in modern, child-centered methodologies by international educational experts adopting training and learning resources with the support of National Institute of Education and Child Fund Srilanka.
  • Help schools to create a favorable learning environment by providing teaching and learning materials, as well as improving the activity and reading facilities in the schools.
  • Support the school management to increase the active participation of parents in school activities and in their children’s education in the areas of school governance, decision-making, and performance monitoring of children.