Socio-economic Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Sri Lanka through Community Based
People with disabilities are considered to face multiple deprivations due to socio-economic and political marginalization. For a country faced with many challenges in revival of the social and economic status of the war-affected areas, which requires rehabilitation in many development aspects, persons with disabilities especially the children and youth with disability tend to be neglected and therefore, there is a need to emphasize on disability inclusion. There is a need for applying internationally accepted best practices like Community Based Inclusive Development. Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.
The project “Socio-economic Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Sri Lanka through Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) – Phase II” establishes and strengthen Self Help Groups and DPOs in each division, a technical support group\steering committee, which consists of necessary line ministries including education, health, vocational training, youth empowerment and child protection experts from provincial ministries and provincial representatives of national authorities, and other senior experts, particularly from the provincial councils. It encourages joint implantation with ChildFund Sri Lanka and VOICE Area Federation being accountable to a Cooperate Donor namely LIPOID Stiftung which is based in Germany.
Strategic actions:
- Strength and sustainability of Disabled Peoples Organizations is a key success factor in enhancing quality
of life of Persons with Disabilities. - Sensitize Private sector adequately to focus on ensuring equal opportunities of Persons with Disabilities
in employment, and engage them in corporate business processes, marketing and supply chains. - Comprehensive advocacy efforts at both district and national level, for relevant policy and system
changes, to reduce barriers in realizing the rights of Persons with Disabilities. - Extensive capacity building for vocational training service providers, to enhance quality of training, and
employability of youth with disability
Key interventions;
- Quality vocational trainings are delivered for Youth with Disabilities, through existing vocational training
centers, with private sector engagement - Strong and sustainable DPOs to deliver services, or to refer Self-Help Groups, Persons with Disabilities
and caregivers to external service providers. - DPOs effectively advocate for rights of Persons with Disabilities with active engagement of private sector